Thursday, March 27, 2014

Data Extraction from an EXPERT 9017F AI Module

           1. CEMs Data viewer (COD, BOD, NOX etc.).
2. Extract data in order to show in a customized HMI and archive it to a Database for trending.
3. Develop an TCP/IP server application to share these data across different area.

Module Details are given below.

Command List:
Check Module name(01--> Module Address)
Mode checking (!0110-->Normal, !0111--> MODBUS)
To get string of all channels output.
#010, #011, #012 etc.
Channel 1, 2, 3 individual output etc.

EXPERT 9017F manual

A simple interface is developed for testing purpose. By providing commands in the command text box we need to press Start button.
                          Fig: A command “#01” is pressed to see all 8 analog data.
A data provider is implemented by following Expert Module Manual. Here are snapshots of UML class diagrams.
                                  Fig: Serial Port Manager UML class diagram.

                     Fig: Serial Port Settings UML class diagram.
1. Visual Studio programming.
2. TOPSCC EXPERT 9000 product manual.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OracleSQLDeveloper ORA-01882: timezone region not found

I experienced problem with my OracleSQLDeveloper Application. I tried to connect one remote Oracle 9i server and it pops up error "ORA-01882: timezone region not found"!!

To solve it, I checked OracleSQLDeveloper.conf file and added the following line.
#Add local timeZone
AddVMOption -Duser.timezone="+05:30"
Open it with any text editor.

Now it can connect without any Error.